April 7, 2023

How to Make Pancakes for Dogs?

Have you ever wanted to make your dog smile? If so, here is a simple, cheap, and easy-to-make dog-friendly pancake recipe!

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Nothing makes fur-parents happier than dog snuggles, barks, and their excitement with treats! I think you’ll agree that your dog is the best companion and they deserve a special treat once in a while. A pancake for dog is a good idea! However, we should always be wary when introducing new food to our pets. Let’s dive into pancakes for dogs, what ingredients are best to use and avoid, and how to make a pancake for a dog.

Is it Safe for Dogs to Eat Pancakes?

Is there a time when your dog ate pancakes, and you doubted if it was bad for them? We do ask the questions: are pancakes bad for dogs? Is it OK to give dogs pancakes? Can I feed my dog a pancake? Yes, it is safe to consume and eat, but in moderation. We should be wary of the ingredients, especially which pancake mix is best for our resident pupper and what are the proper pancake toppings for dogs. 

What dog pancake mix should we be cautious with, and what are the dog friendly pancakes? The main ingredient in pancakes is flour, which contains wheat or gluten. Some dogs have trouble digesting wheat or gluten and can develop an allergy. Others may experience stomach upset or diarrhea after eating foods containing them. If you’re concerned about your dog’s health, consult your veterinarian before feeding him any food. To know more on how to make pancakes for your dog, we should all check out what would be safe for our dogs to eat.

Pancake Ingredients that are Safe and Unsafe for Dogs:

Pancake Mixes for Dog Pancakes

What pancake mix is best for dogs, then? Oats contain high levels of fiber, which can help control cholesterol, lower blood pressure and regulate blood sugar. They also have antioxidants that help fight cancer and cardiovascular disease. The most important thing is that you do not use refined white flour as a pancake dog mix when making one. Instead, use oat flour, a sure pancake mix safe for dogs. These also provide more fiber and nutrients than refined flour does. You may also use whole wheat or other unbleached flours as part of your pancake mix for dogs. They contain minimal amounts of sugar and salt. 

Vanilla extract is another ingredient that is usually included in pancake mixes. We should note that Vanilla extract contains alcohol that is toxic for dogs, even in the smallest of doses.

Dog-friendly Pancake Toppings:

A pancake is good for dogs if we can use fruits and vegetables as toppings. Good toppings include bananas (banana pancakes for dogs are good treats!), pumpkin (pumpkin pancakes for dogs are also an option), apples, and carrots. Most berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, are both dog-friendly and antioxidant-rich food. 

Toppings to Avoid: 

Another healthy ingredient is peanut butter. However, we should fully ensure that it does not have any Xylitol. Xylitol is toxic to dogs. It is essential to remember to avoid nuts with our toppings, as Nut allergies are common in dogs and could lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or hives. Chocolate chip cookies are usual toppings for pancakes that we should entirely avoid since chocolate is one of the most common causes of dog poisoning. 

Best Pancake Syrups for Dog Pancakes

Will pancake syrup hurt a dog? It will depend on what syrup you are going to use for your pancakes. In terms of pancake syrup for dogs, our usual go-to sweetened syrups should be avoided. Sugar can cause weight gain, increase the risk of diabetes and even cause liver failure. Dogs can eat sugar if it's in their food, but if you give them too much, it can be very dangerous. Some healthy syrups include: Barley Malt Syrup, Coconut Syrup.

You can give them a healthy alternative instead such as Dogsnob Multivitamin Gravy. Dogsnob Multivitamin Gravy contains various healthy ingredients for dogs that helps in mobility management and overall complete care for our dogs.

As always, if you're concerned about your dog's health, consult with your veterinarian before feeding him any type of food.

Dogs Can Eat Pancakes – In Moderation

As we already dived in on how to make pancakes for dogs and answered the questions: will pancakes hurt dogs, and is pancake OK for dogs? We will talk about how many pancakes our dogs should take. In general, vets always say that “treats should not make up more than 10 percent of your dog’s diet.” We should remember that a dog’s diet should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates and sugar. As pancakes are high in carbs and sugar, they should be an occasional treat instead of the leading food in your pup’s diet.

Easy and Healthy Pancake for Dog Recipe (with GIFs!)

Now that we have figured out the do’s and the don'ts of making puppy dog pancakes, Here is a recipe for our simple dog pancakes that your pupper will surely enjoy. We will be featuring dog pancakes with oats, egg, apple, and healthy toppings such as strawberries and blueberries. Toppings can be up to you and you may also go for alternatives such as banana pancakes for dogs.

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Serving Size: 1 serving


  • 1 Apple 
  • 1 egg
  • Oat flour (½ cup)
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Dogsnob multivitamin gravy

Oatsome Organic Oat Flour Blend

Organic oat flour is a highly recommended alternative to traditional flour. It is especially useful in avoiding gluten, and it gives several benefits for dogs.

Organic Blueberry

As a healthy topping for our pancakes, these organic blueberries would surely be a nice treat for our dogs.

Dogsnob Multivitamin Gravy (Use BRUNO for 30% off)

This is a simple daily topper that helps maintain your dog's overall health. It contains Apple Cider Vinegar, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil, Vitamin C and other ingredients that are surely beneficial for your dog. Use BRUNO for 30% off of your Dogsnob order!

Easy Dog-Friendly Recipe

Step 1:

We will be using the Oat flour, Egg, and Apple first. Mix them together using a blender. This serves as your dog pancake mix. 

Step 2:

After making your dog pancake mix, proceed on heating a lightly oiled frying pan over low-medium heat. 

Step 3:

Pour the mixture from the middle. Always remember to continue pouring slowly in a circular motion.

Step 4:

Allow the pancake to cook properly. Once it is cooked well, flip the pancake. 

Step 5:

Proceed on layering a few thin slices of strawberry, and sprinkle a handful of berries which are both discussed as one of the healthy toppings we can give to create our puppy dog pancakes.

Step 6:

Use Dogsnob multivitamin gravy as syrup. Can dogs eat pancakes with syrup? Yes, they can and here is a healthy alternative.

Step 7:

Now it is time to serve! Best to capture pancake dog pics before your pupper devours it whole! 

How to make Dog Pancakes? Step 7

Key Takeaway

In general, human foods high in sugar and fat should be avoided. But if you want to share a few pancakes with your pup, go ahead! Just keep in mind to use safe and healthy alternatives to make one of the best pancake dog treats. Pancakes for dogs will be better with dog-friendly flour like Oatsome Organic Oat Flour Blend. Oat flour is suitable for our dogs as it supports digestion, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and others. Dog-friendly toppings such as Organic Blueberry are essential to keep the treat healthy! Dogsnob Multivitamin Gravy (promo code: BRUNO for 30% off) as a syrup alternative is the best way to maintain our dogs’ health and give them a nice treat.